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Friday, February 10, 2012

How to make bouillon the Haitian Way

Hey guys,

I posted a video on my youtube channel on how to make bouillon the Haitian way. In this video, it is a little different. I used goat meat and beef's feet, it is absolutely delicious. I did not add "boy" because I wanted to make it more like a healthy soup. It can be time consuming if you don't know the tricks of speeding up the process. Well, on the video I will discuss all of that. I don't follow any recipes, all I need is the ingredients needed to make the food. I taste as I am preparing it. One of the reason I hated my chemistry classes was that they will make me follow the procedure step by step. If I miss a step, then I would have to start all over again grrr....

Making bouillon is a lot easier than messing around in a chemistry lab, well it depends on who is going to eat the food. I have a very supportive husband who would eat my food even in the worse case scenario lol... Believe me, I have made my share of mistakes, burnt food, too salty lol... Now, I cook like a pro :-)

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